Thursday, March 8, 2007

The 3-Hour Diet

This diet is for you if you are looking for a diet where you can eat anything you want. It is a very simple concept, you eat at certain times of the day when your metabolism is most active and you should see the weight drop off. The man behind this diet believes that it is not about low carb diets, it is all about timing. He thinks you should enjoy candy and carbs daily.

The way his diet works is by eating according to this schedule and using a little bit of portion control…(like eating a mini chocolate instead of a whole candy bar). Follow these guidelines and the weight will start to come off…

Eat Breakfast within one hour of getting out of bed.

Eat every three hours after that.

Don’t eat anything three hours before bed.

The creator of this diet believes that eating in this scheduled manner increases BMR or baseline metabolic rate, which is how fast your body burns calories. He also believes that this diet increases energy, and decreases appetite. There have been reports of successful weight loss with this plan, but it isn’t yet agreed upon whether it is a metabolic improvement to spread 3 meals into 5 or 6 smaller meals.

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