Friday, March 16, 2007

10 Tips for Cutting Calories

Losing weight doesn't mean that you have to completely change the way you eat and not eat the foods you love. Here are a few tips for cutting calories without cutting the foods you love. If you follow these tips you will start to lose weight.

1) Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages with a lot of sugar adds hundreds of empty calories to your diet. If you replace these drinks with their sugar free counterparts you will greatly reduce your calorie intake. You will soon start to prefer the diet drinks over the high sugar ones.

2) Salad Dressing
Use low fat or no fat dressings on your salads. Salad dressing naturally have a lot of calories, but there are some out there that naturally don't. Try these salad dressings, or buy the low fat version of the salad dressing you like. This will significantly cut calories.

3) Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is used in a lot of foods. For instance you can't make a tuna sandwich with out mayonnaise. Mayonnaise adds flavor and moisture to lots of foods. Use the low fat or no fat versions to lower your calorie intake.

4) Bread
Bread is one of the main source of carbs in your diet. Reducing carbs will help you lose weight. Try just using whole grain breads instead of the higher calorie white bread. And try to use just one slice instead of two when you make a sandwich. This will greatly reduce your calorie intake on a daily basis.

5) Spreads
Basically instead of using butter and margarine for your spread try using a jelly or jam. This greatly reduces fat and calories.

6) Baked Potatoes
Instead of using butter and sour cream on your baked potatoes, use butter flavored sprinkles and cooked veggies like broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower. Add chives for extra flavor.

7) Fried Foods
Instead of frying your foods, you can use bread crumbs and seasonings to bake your food which can be much more flavorful and a lot more healthy than frying your food.

8) Milk
Try switching to skim milk. Skim milk has a lot less fat and calories than whole milk and even 2% milk. It may take a little adjusting but soon you won't even like whole milk because you will be able to taste the fat.

9) Candy
Make sure you don't eat to much candy, you can treat yourself every once in a while. Try eating the mini bars instead of the full size ones. This will help a lot.

10) Meats
Consider using ground turkey instead of ground beef, there is a lot fewer calories and fat in turkey. You will get a similar taste and texture with significantly less fat and calories.

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